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The August Name

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Band Bio

Coming from St. Petersburg, Florida, The August Name is an Energetic Alternative Rock band consisting of five dedicated guys with very different backgrounds. Each person, driven to succeed, contributes their own style and influence to the songs, crafting and sculpting the sounds . Their mission is to bring passion back into a genre overrun with meaningless lyrics and disposable music.

"The August Name" as a band name:
It was inspired from a William Faulkner story called A Rose For Emily. Basically, The August Name was a phrase used in old literature to describe the "true name" of something/someone with the utmost respect. In the context of the story the elders and wisest people of the town were referred to as, "The August Names" of the neighborhood. August meaning distinguished, or important.

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Ryan McGibbeny - Lead Vocals
Evander Lipps- Drums
Dacian Miron- Lead and rhythm guitar
Rick Chadwell- Lead and rhythm guitar
Charlie Gentry- Bass


Check out the new single "Syllables of a Broken Tongue", Now Playing on Rocksposure Radio!

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The August Name on Rocksposure Radio

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