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Galia Social

Artists > Artists > G

Galia Social is stirring some serious buzz in the SW Florida area. With their afro-cuban driven rhythm section and in-your-face guitar chops, it's hard to ignore a group with such a unique style and composition. Having no designated "lead vocalist", the trio of Colby Peters, Ben King, and Christian Logaglio share the main vocal spotlight while uniting for three-part harmonies that carve their catchy hooks right into your eardrum. The live presentation contains a high energy level including extra content that you will not hear on studio recordings. They are a group of focused talent that your eyes and ears do not want to miss, and will be captivating audiences in a city near you shortly.


Christian Logaglio - Guitar/Vocals
Ben King - Bass/Vocals
Colby Peters - Drums/Vocals


Galia Social Album Review

Galia Social on Rocksposure Radio


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