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Ratham Stone

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“What does music mean to us?... That's kind of like asking us what the meaning of life is, ya know.”
- Ratham Stone

Every story has a beginning. Some say it all began with a shooting star, in the shape of a genie, with a lucky penny in his hand that had a four-leaf clover inscribed onto it…Some EVEN say it began within a rotating solar nebula. But there are some out there that even go as far as to say it all began when Adam Lipinski (front man) first met Joe Hodgin (lead guitarist) at his recording studio, where Hodgin was engineering and producing Lipinski's solo project. After working only a few days on the project, they decided the outcome of the music and the collaboration was too good to deny. They began forming Ratham Stone immediately and inadvertently met Daniel “DPak” (bass) and Phil Torres (drums). What happened when these forces were combined can only be described as something not of this world. Some say it's what caused all the Flash Forwards. Some say it caused people to go streaking, with Tiger Woods, up the quad and into a gymnasium…. Nevertheless the result was the same…..Ratham Stone, the newest Indie/Folk Rock band from Orlando, FL. Their tenacious sound can be described as invigorating and magnetic but it is their cordial, yet vigorous presence that sets them apart.

So what is Ratham Stone? In their own words… "We can’t tell you, some questions are meant to be left unanswered and some stories meant to be left untold, some day we will, but for now


Adam Lipinski - Vocals
Joe Hodgin - Guitar
Daniel "DPak" - Bass
Andrew Maffettone - Drums

Ratham Stone on Rocksposure Radio

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