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Our feature Sound Check gives you a first hand look at a Rocksposed Artist that you simply can't miss!
We'll tell you who they are, why they're a must listen, and where you can find more of them.
The New York scene will be hard pressed to find a more complete package then the passionate rock of Tanadra. Currently supporting the April 2010 release of her self titled EP, Tanadra's powerful vocals and heavily guitar laced sound rival any up and coming female rock act we've seen in quite some time.
Tanadra recently released a video for the first single on her EP. This well produced video not only features the excellent blusey song "Danny", but it also gives you a glimpse into the rock prowess that Tanadra brings to the stage. You can view it on her official You Tube Channel, or more convienently, right here on Rocksposure.
Tanadra is currently putting together her tour schedule for 2011, but in the interim, she has one of the best artist websites we've come across. At you will find a great collection of music, photos, and videos from past performances. Ever wonder what actually goes into shooting a music video? She has footage of that too, all the way from Poland where they shot the video for "Danny"!
Tanadra isn't shy about the fact that she is ready to take the rock world by storm. While she's getting started in her hometown of NYC, she is setting no boundries as to how far her soulful sounds will reach.
From the bluesy bass line of "Danny" to the intricate guitar sound on "Today is the Day", Tanadra's self titled four song EP is as complete as they come. Four songs is often far from enough to get a good flavor for an artist and a real feel for their sound and commitment. Afterall, anyone can record four tracks in their basement and call it an EP. But Tanadra is different, every one of these tracks is personal to her and written for a purpose. Tanadra prides her music on the fact that it was all written based on life experiences. She lived it and found a way to put it to music. This creates a much more relatable feel to her lyrics than what you might typically find on many of the songs that make the regular radio cycle.
Tanadra's strong vocals are backed by an equally impressive band. The EP opens with "Danny", a blusey song with a distinctive amount of funk in the bass line. But Tanadra and her band don't stay in this realm (or any for that matter) for long and the variety makes for a great EP. She kicks it into high gear on "Pissed Off", a furiously paced angry tirade with an equally charged guitar solo. Then slows it down on "Today is the Day". With the distinctive differences in cadence and tone, it makes each song its own adventure. As she wraps things up with "Take it Easy", you can't help but be excited to see what she will come up with on her new single which is due out in the next few months or her follow up album which she hopes to have out by the end of 2011.
-Album Review by Chris Brach
"Tanadra" is currently available on iTunes
Learn more about Tanadra by clicking here
As the Webmaster and Founder of, Chris Brach is always looking for new music from up and coming rock bands. You never know, they could be our next Artist of the Month! If there is something you think he should give a listen to, email him at