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From This Fire

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From This Fire is a modern hard rock band with a slight metal-edge that's based in the Tampa Bay Area. Merging the sounds of metallic heavy guitar riffs with the open, filling sound of modern rock acts such as Breaking Benjamin and Alter Bridge. FTF brings a highly energetic vibe with swagger and attitude is the type of band that won't shy away from laying their hearts and experiences on the line. FTF isn't afraid of putting themselves on the hard rock front lines with brutal honesty to use this as their vehicle to deliver their fiery vision with a vibrant passion.

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Now booking Fall Tour Dates

From This Fire is.....

_ Drew Bell____Gabe Higgins___ _Brian Bell

Label: Unsigned
My Space: FromThisFire
Twitter: FromThisFire
Facebook: FromThisFire

Check them out If you like:
Breaking Benjamin

From This Fire on Rocksposure Radio

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