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An Evening With

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An Evening With is composed of a quintet of super groovy dudes looking to keep it real, make it big and shake what they got while they still have music flowing through their veins. It all started when ex-drummer, current singer Jay Alexander pointed his fingers to the sky to generate a little electricity and ended up shocking the music world with his intricately designed music. His first goal was to find the right match of musicians that could bring his ideas to life. He began developing the music with the help of recording studios and studio musicians. Shortly afterward, he snagged 'mad scientist' guitarist Mario Mendoza whose musical theory and million-dollar fingers keep the band in check. With the basic idea being "lets not get any girls pregnant", Jay and Sir Mendoza set out to play open mic's and write new songs. With a 'bigger is better' mentality in mind, they realized that 'AN EVENING WITH' needed more members. Next to join the crew would be their drummer ReDi whose accent not only stuns the ladies but amazingly does wonders on the drums! It would come in September that they would find their second guitarist Mike DiRoma, hungry for a chance to play shows and be seen streaking through the quad after consuming mass quantities of alcohol! Last but not least, sometimes lawyer/all-the-time bassist Adam Pallack joined the group in November, completing the circle. Winter marked the beginning of fame, fun and fortune for the quintet as they embarked on their journey to New Jersey to record their freshman album with multi-talented Rob Freeman (producer-Cobra Starship; former guitarist/vocals for Hidden in Plain View) who produced, engineered and mixed their album into a maze of perfectly placed noise with toppings of sexual chocolate and cherry for the heart.

AN EVENING WITH is about the music and the experience; feeling the vibe of a million decibels blasting from all directions at once. Their live shows are a blur of ferocious energy, smart lyrics and unforgettable music that stays with you long after the live experience has ended. Living in the moment is now, paying the penalty comes later--- glory lasts forever. With BIG things already set in stone, An EVENING WITH has since completed their debut album, Cruel Intentions, now available on iTunes and other music-outlets near you.

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An Evening With is.....

Jay: Vocals
Mario: Guitar/Vox
Mike: Guitar/Vox
Adam: Bass/Vox
ReDi: Drums
Label: Unsigned


An Evening With on Rocksposure Radio

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Mar 24 2010 6:00P
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