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Dustin Lowery carries a last name that has become quite recognizable in the rock world over the last few years. His brother Corey plays bass in Eye Empire & Stereomud, while brother Clint is the guitarist for Sevendust & Call Me No One. The family resumé is impressive and their pending legacy is a great story in the making, but this isn’t the Lowery Family Behind the Music. This is a review of the amazing new record by Dustin Lowery and the band he fronts, Viasava. Viasava’s ‘One Year Down’ is a remarkably well put together debut album. Lowery takes the mic and has Gogi Randhawa (Guitars/Vocals), Alex Dorminy (Drums), and John Ballard (Bass) rounding out the rest of the lineup for this Atlanta based rock band. ‘One Year Down’ centers around a driving beat and a melodic sound that engulfs you from the beginning and nicely evolves through the duration. Given the quality of the songs on ‘One Year Down’, Viasava sounds like they’ve been playing together for ten.
“New Frontier” kicks off the album and delivers on its name. This fresh feeling rock tune quickly builds as Lowery reassures himself about seeking a change of scenery while Dorminy’s drums deliver a nice punch right out of the gate. The opener is a deep track that immediately lures you into the album thanks to some nice accents from some added keys and Lowery’s strongly delivered vocals. These same effects bring “Misbehave” and “Break Away” to the forefront of the album as they are equally brimming with effort and energy. Much of what separates Viasava’s album is this layered complexity. They’ve done an excellent job subtly building in a lot of different sounds and tones without the songs coming off as overproduced. It’s a delicate balance that they’ve executed perfectly.While these intricacies are nice touches, it shouldn’t be missed that ’One Year Down’ is a rock record to its core. Gogi Randhawa’s guitar makes sure you fully understand that as he shreds through the aggressive track “Terrified” and the blusey rock anthem “Getting By”. Never far on ‘One Year Down’ is the resonating sound of Ballard’s looming bass that’s easy to pick out on “I Smell Trouble”, “Hell to Pay” and “Undivided”. Lowery’s voice lends itself well to the more forceful songs on the album, but he also does exceptionally well on the more subdued ones as “Different Man” and “Chasing Footprints” are two of his stronger vocal performances on ‘One Year Down’. He’s got the scream, a great vocal range, and a phenomenal amount of stage presence; it’s no wonder the Lowery’s are on the rise!
Having caught Viasava on the Crest Hill stop of what they are calling their National New Frontour, ‘One Year Down’ perfectly captures the essence of their live show and subsequent stage presence. A product of Viasava’s relentless energy, at times this album is absolutely in your face and screaming for your attention, I can safely say that it deserves every bit of it.
Click here for more from Viasava
As the Webmaster and Founder of, Chris Brach is always looking for new music from up and coming rock bands. You never know, they could be our next Artist of the Month! If there is something you think he should give a listen to, email him at