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Punk Rock meets Nirvana: That might be the best way to describe Sheffield England’s Cable35 based on the album (“Louder”) they sent our way. “Louder” was released in 2011 and as you can surmise from the above mentioned depiction, is packed with sixteen heavy, grunge filled, guitar laced songs. Cable35 is heavily influenced by the grunge bands of the 90’s, it’s damn near impossible to miss the correlation. From the riffs and structures to the fast tempos, “Louder” is a throwback record to Seattle circa 1994. Suffice to say, it‘s a great departure from some of today’s cookie cutter rock.
While it would be hard to compare lead singer Jeffrey Zerafa to Cobain’s legendary voice, Cable 35’s Nirvana influences are clearly conveyed through the melodic interlude on “Fact In Spain”. Zerafa’s vocals have a scratchiness that fits perfectly with the scruffy sounds of “Louder". His delivery reminds of Scott Lucas from Chicago’s Local H. Its got some attitude and flair to it that almost comes across as taunting, it pairs perfectly with his guitar.Cable35 rips through fast paced songs like “Factory Floor” and the punky opener “Cow Head”, then navigate just as easily through chaotic ones like “House of Fire” and “Fat Snowman”. Diversifying their slightly retro sound even further, “Saturated” finds them channeling a little bit of a Marilyn Manson vibe as Chris Mallia’s drums battle along to the bassline of Kriz Zahra. But of all the songs on the album that invoke a good bout of head banging, “Memories” is the king. Opening with a menacing riff and growl from Zerafa, “Memories” throws in a few tempo changes to help you better appreciate Mallia’s lighting fast drum work on the rest of the song. There’s a lot of good rock to pick from on “Louder”, but this track just feels a touch above the rest.
Perhaps this is a sign grunge is just finding its way to the shores of the UK, or maybe it’s just Cable35’s guitar fueled run at a revival. (I guess they could also have a time machine, probably shouldn’t rule that out) Either way, the influences of Cable 35 come through strong on “Louder”. Sometimes it’s hard to get into new music, but this familiarity makes for an album that provides an easy outlet to explore some excellent new tunes.
Click to hear a few tracks off of 'Louder'
As the Webmaster and Founder of, Chris Brach is always looking for new music from up and coming rock bands. You never know, they could be our next Artist of the Month! If there is something you think he should give a listen to, email him at